Thomas Jefferson Pitchford Jr. — 12th NC Troops
T.J. (as he was known) was one of six sons of Dr. Thomas Jefferson Pitchford (North Carolina state legislator during the Civil War). All six sons served in the Confederacy: three in the 12th N.C. Troops, two in the Mississippi Light Artillery and the youngest in the home guard. Two of the sons were killed in battle. T.J. fought in several large battles, including Cold Harbor, Malvern Hill, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. He eventually was captured at the battle of Cedar Creek, Va., in October of 1864. He was transferred and detained as a prisoner of war at Fort Delaware until after the war, taking the oath in June of 1865. It was mentioned in a note to his father from the POW camp that his “real training as a soldier had begun at Ft. Delaware.” Several of his cousins and friends were also wounded and killed in the war. A first cousin, Weldon Davis of the 30th North Carolina Troops, was buried at Arlington Cemetery in the Confederate section, and his tombstone is still there.