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Reassignment Spared Unit

Reassignment Spared Unit Jacob H. Idol (Eitel) was a private in the Confederate army. At some point, Co. A, 42nd North Carolina Infantry, were guards at the Salisbury prisoner of war camp. Some soldiers voted to go to the “Eastern Theatre” Army of Northern VA and saw...

Artilleryman Had a Long Walk Home

Artilleryman Had a Long Walk Home Joseph Haywood Chason, from Lumber Bridge, N.C., volunteered to join the Confederacy for a three-year enlistment in February 1862. He was assigned to Fort Fisher the entire time as an artilleryman, with the rank of private. Joseph was...

New Yorker Wounded Far from Home

New Yorker Wounded Far from Home By: Sharon Butterfield Urgento, Dennis Urgento Charles Larkin enlisted in the U.S. Army as a private in September 1862 at Sand Lake, N.Y., at age 22. Charles served in the 169th Regiment, Co. H. A Samuel Larkin, quite likely his...

Pennsylvania POW, Battle of Plymouth

Pennsylvania POW, Battle of Plymouth In his early thirties, Martin Lybarger went to war in the 101st Pennsylvania Veterans Volunteer Infantry, leaving behind a wife and small son. He was among the Union troops captured at the Battle of Plymouth in April of 1864 and...

The Bowens of Bertie heed the call

The Bowens of Bertie heed the call Frederick Columbus Bowen, born March 6, 1840, was the fourth child, third son, of Jesse and Margaret Bowen. He was born in Bertie County, North Carolina and lived at home with his parents where he learned to farm. He was also taught...

A different kind of marriage

A different kind of marriage Great-Great-Granddaddy Frank Civils grew up in the Core Creek area near Asbury and had fallen in love with Mary Jane Riggs. When they decided to get married, their parents refused to allow it. Frank then married Elizabeth Daugherty on...

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