Jan 20, 2016 | Confederate affiliation, Jones
Union soldiers robbed the Grey family farm Someone came running through the woods to tell my family that the Yankees were coming. We think these were the soldiers who captured New Bern. The whole family–multiple generations–ran through the house and yard,...
Jan 20, 2016 | Confederate affiliation, Pender
Wiley Moore fought at Fort Fisher Wiley Moore joined the Confederate Army and was sent to Fort Fisher as an artilleryman. When his enlistment ended, he joined the Cavalry and was present when Lee surrendered to Grant. He came home to North Carolina on a poor horse,...
Jan 20, 2016 | Alamance, Confederate affiliation
Senator James Knox Polk of the Georgia Legislature Born 3 Nov 1805, Polk was serving in the GA legislature before, during and after the war. As the family story reads, he moved to Dekalb County GA in 1862, where he purchased the “Old Samuel House” on...
Jan 20, 2016 | Alamance, Confederate affiliation
Thomas Mitchell Evins, 38th Regiment, Georgia Evins was a 1st Lieutenant and served in Texas. He enlisted in 1862 at the age of 42 in the 33rd Texas Cavalry, Duff’s Partisan Rangers, 14th Battalion, Company H. His rank was 1st Lieutenant. When the war was over,...
Jan 19, 2016 | Confederate affiliation, Pasquotank
Yankee Raider learned a lesson “When the Union cavalry’s supplies ran short, Captain William Kent and his command foraged the plantations of Major … Bell and James Scott: both of the plantations were on Body Road (southwest of Elizabeth City).”...
Jan 19, 2016 | Burke, Confederate affiliation
A Railroad Soldier from Burke County My great-grandfather, John Martin Butler, was born to William Hall and Jane Saphronia Kibler Butler on Dec. 14, 1844 in Burke County, North Carolina. John married Harriett Ann Simpson (1849-1921) in 1869 in Burke County. On Feb....