Sep 7, 2018 | Cleveland, Confederate affiliation
SUBMITTED BY: Lisa Jillani My aunt, Esta Davis Serber, was born in 1900 and alive when her grandfather, Simon D. Davis,talked to her about his time in the Sandy Run Yellow Jackets out of Cleveland Co. She passed the statement on to me that Simon told her. He said,...
Sep 7, 2018 | Beaufort, Confederate affiliation
SUBMITTED BY: W. S. Mann (see also “Nelson and Ava Tift” story) Nelson Tift was born in Groton, CT on July 23, 1810. In 1826, he moved to Key West, FL with his brother, Asa Tift, for business exploration ventures. In 1830, he moved to Charleston, SC to...
Sep 7, 2018 | Confederate affiliation, Moore
SUBMITTED by Norma Blake Jones; edited and vetted by Cheri Todd Molter Archibald McNeill Sr. was born March 4, 1818 in the Bensalem area of Moore County, NC. He was married to Jane Brewer, and they had eight children (born between 1842 and 1865). McNeill enlisted in...
Sep 7, 2018 | Confederate affiliation, Union affiliation, Union County
SUBMITTED BY: Richard Harding Davis Less than a quarter mile North, as the crow flies, from Perry Brown’s Furniture Factory Outlet World on 200 South lies a historically significant location in Union County. On March 1, 1865, near the intersection of Bigham and...
Sep 7, 2018 | Confederate affiliation, Union County
SUBMITTED BY: Richard Harding Davis A Wagon Train Once Camped on the Public Square – from the June 28, 1910 issue of MONROE JOURNAL (Union County, N.C.) The fine elms that surround the public square, none of which should ever be cut down, were planted before the war....
Sep 6, 2018 | Confederate affiliation, Polk
AUTHOR: Joe Mode Oliver Arms, Sr. is my 3rd great grandfather, whose daughter, Melissa Arms, married Wade Green (Cocke Co., TN) Wade Green is my 2nd great grandfather and member of Company C, 8th Tennessee Infantry, U.S. Melissa Arms m was born on 5 November 1851-2,...