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Reward for Esther & Jack

Reward for Esther & Jack

Advertisement submitted by Nicholle Young; Summary written by Cheri Todd Molter In January 1835, Esther and her husband, Jack, ran away from their latest enslaver, Herold Blackmore of Duplin County. Esther was “about 30 years old…and of an Indian complection [sic],...
Peter, Wanted Dead or Alive

Peter, Wanted Dead or Alive

Advertisement submitted by Nicholle Young; Summary written by Cheri Todd Molter In February 1859, Peter, a “stout,” Black man who had been enslaved by the Colvin family of New Hanover County, ran away. As of May 8, 1860—over a year later—Peter was still free and was...
Mechanics of Fayetteville Meeting, Nov. 30, 1850

Mechanics of Fayetteville Meeting, Nov. 30, 1850

Article submitted by Nicholle Young; Summary written by Cheri Todd Molter and Kobe Brown   from The North-Carolinian of Fayetteville, North Carolina, Dec. 7, 1850, Page 3 On Nov. 30, 1850, the Mechanics of Fayetteville met to take measures against the “growing evil of...

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