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William King White

by | Jan 27, 2016 | Confederate affiliation, Halifax

William King White, CSA Here is the text on William King White from our old Civil War exhibit. (By the way, an image of him, his wife, and two children is in our newly opened chronological exhibit. The state Archives has the image if you have not seen it before.) “William King White was a Halifax County farmer who owned two slaves in 1860. On November 26, 1861, White was appointed a captain in the North Carolina militia. At some point, White apparently lost his commission as a militia officer and was conscripted into active Confederate service. He appears in this image with his wife, Sarah Penelope Kitchin White; daughter Emma; and son William Preston.” I’m attaching a scan of the text about White from State Troops and Volunteers by Greg Mast. (The family image is also in this book.)

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