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SUBMITTED BY:  Susan Quinn Sand (written by Benjamin Franklin Hall [1924]; edited by Cheri Todd Molter)

Note from Susan Quinn Sand: According to my Family Tree Maker Software, Benjamin Franklin Hall was my 1st cousin 5 times removed. Our common ancestor is William Hall (1741-1825), who was Benjamin’s grandfather and my 5th great-grandfather. I obtained this memoir in 2001 from a person I met online but never met in person, and unfortunately, I don’t have her current contact information. She was descended from Benjamin’s half-brother, John William Hall.

Editor’s Note: In these recollections, Mr. Hall wrote about his eighty-three years’ worth of life experiences and mentioned the members of a substantial portion of his family tree. The Civil War years, including details about his service and experiences and those of his brothers—Edward and Jerry—in the Confederate Army, were covered in pages 12 through 19. All three brothers served in Company C, or the “Duplin Rifles,” of the 12th Infantry (North Carolina) for a six-month term; then the three men enlisted again to continue serving, although only Benjamin survived. [Jeremiah “Jerry” P. Hall reenlisted shortly after his first term of service was over and served in Company A of the 51st Infantry (North Carolina). Edward reenlisted and served in Company D, 13th Infantry (N.C.).] According to his account, Benjamin was surprised and disappointed when he was surrendered at Appomattox. After the war, Benjamin made his way home, sought employment, got married, and raised a family. His daughter, Jessie Dalziel Hall, encouraged him to write his “story,” and in 1924, he did. (Please see this link–The Recollections of Benjamin Franklin Hall, 1924.)