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His Brother’s Keeper: An Oral Tradition

Written by Jacob Jones; Edited by Cheri Todd Molter ORAL TRADITION One story that passed down through my family, and was well known by the local genealogy expert of Jackson County, is about my Great-Great-Great-Grandfather, Jehu Jones, and his brother, Jesse Jones,...

John E. Stroup: A Soldier at 16

Submitted by Sid Stroupe and Mike Stroupe; Edited and vetted by Cheri Todd Molter John E. Stroup was born in 1845 and the son of David Rufus Stroup. According to the 1860 Census, John lived in Jackson County, N.C. On August 31, 1861, sixteen-year-old John Stroup...

William Everett Miller

SUBMITTED BY:  Anne Campbell William Everett Miller’s story “A SHORT SKETCH OF MY LIFE UP TO THE CIVIL WAR, WHEN I WAS EIGHTEEN YEARS OF AGE” (see links to PDFs below): anne campbell anne campbell 2 (2)