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John & Jenny Pentz Mayo

Submitted by JD Mayo; Edited and vetted by Cheri Todd Molter I’ve done some digging for information about my North Carolinian ancestors on my father’s side, and this information pertains to my 5th-great-grandfather, John Mayo, my 4th-great-grandfather,...

Ancestor served, but had little to say

Ancestor served, but had little to say “My great-grandfather was named William Cahoon, but my grams called him Bill. He served in the Confederacy but my dad said he never heard him talk about it. My great-grandmother did receive money for a while after the war,...

gun found on Hatteras

gun found on Hatteras I once knew a man who had a gun he swore was found on the beaches of Hatteras, washed up after the Yankees came through the inlet. I never knew if he was pulling my leg, but he was proud of his...

A Novelist’s ties to Hyde County

A Novelist’s ties to Hyde County Taken from stories written by William Stryon: “I’ve always been surprised by my direct link to the Old South — the South of slavery and the Civil War. Many southerners of my vintage, and even some of those who...