Feb 13, 2024 | Antebellum era, Emancipation, Guilford, This Month's Featured Story
Written by Cheri Todd Molter In his article entitled “Hidden Figure: How a Black Washerwoman Helped Free 15 Slaves,” Ross Howell, Jr. writes, “We don’t know where ‘Vina’ was born or how she died. We have no likeness of her—no etching or drawing. Yet a Guilford College...
Sep 3, 2020 | Guilford, Union affiliation
AUTHOR: JC Knowles (edited and vetted by Cheri Todd Molter) On July 23, 1873, a local newspaper announced the opening of a “Normal College for the education of colored teachers” in Greensboro, North Carolina. The school was founded through the motivation...
Aug 5, 2020 | Confederate affiliation, Guilford
SUBMITTED BY: Rick Pardue (edited and vetted by Cheri Todd Molter) The Wyrick family’s name was at first spelled “Wirick.” [Both spellings appear in historical records.] It’s a German name that was changed over time; German engravings are present on some of the...
Jun 23, 2020 | Confederate affiliation, Guilford
AUTHOR: George L. Moore (edited and vetted by Cheri Todd Molter) What follows is a condensed history of my Great-Grandfather, Robert Mijamin Patterson, who served the Confederacy as an Assistant Surgeon throughout the Civil War. (Click image to enlarge.) Robert...
Jun 8, 2020 | Confederate affiliation, Guilford
SUBMITTED BY: Emily Whitaker Poetz (Introduction vetted and edited by Cheri Todd Molter; Manuscript written by Henry Richard McFadyen) My name is Emily Whitaker Poetz and my aunt, Claudia Whitaker, sent me a link to your story submission page and said the History...
Feb 7, 2019 | Guilford, New Hanover, Union affiliation, Wake
Submitted by Willa Atkinson; Edited by Cheri Todd Molter My Great-Grandmother Elizabeth Knox Lanigan (1905-2005) preserved the letters that Lyman Beecher Hannaford wrote during his Civil War experience; she had them safely tucked away in a drawer for decades. The...