Jan 28, 2023 | Cumberland, Uncategorized
Submitted by J. Michael Ruff DDS The following is a story that was told to me by Mrs.Phillips around 1982 or 1983, and it had been shared with Mrs. Phillips by her grandmother. She said her grandmother was nine years old when General Sherman and his Army came to...
Dec 6, 2022 | Antebellum era, Confederate affiliation, Cumberland
Submitted by Demetrius Haddock; Transcribed by Cheri Todd Molter The letter pictured was written by Mrs. Josephine Bryan Worth, who, according to her obituary (Josephine_Bryan_Worth_s_Obituary_1917), was the daughter of Josiah and Sarah Hodges Bryan of Fayetteville,...
Jul 20, 2022 | Cumberland, Harnett, Union affiliation
Written by Sarah Stubbs; Edited by Cheri Todd Molter Editor’s Note: The story below has been derived from information gathered from William Sharpe’s Civil War Diary, which included his experiences while a soldier on Sherman’s march through Georgia, South...
Jul 7, 2022 | Cumberland, Reconstruction, Union affiliation
WRITTEN by Leisa Greathouse; Edited and vetted by Cheri Todd Molter and Kobe M. Brown Lewis Levy (1820-1899 pronounced Lee-vee) was an unwavering Unionist, property-owner, and businessman. Levy’s mother was considered a great cook: She prepared a meal for Lafayette...
May 17, 2022 | Antebellum era, Cumberland, Union affiliation
Written by Laurie Jones; Edited and vetted by Cheri Todd Molter Located at 1507 Morganton Rd. in Fayetteville, Fair Oaks is a large, two-story frame house with Greek Revival elements that was built in 1858. Its construction and design are attributed to brothers...
Apr 8, 2022 | Cumberland, New Hanover, Union affiliation
Submitted by Ed Gibson; Vetted and edited by Cheri Todd Molter One morning, while sitting at coffee with several other Cape Fear Round Table members, I heard Bill Jayne mention that there was a member of the 147th Pennsylvania buried at the Wilmington National...