Sep 17, 2018 | Confederate affiliation, Stokes
AUTHOR: Unknown Born in Stokes County, North Carolina around 1843, Cephus H. Joyce was eager to join the cause and quickly enlisted in Stokes County in Company H of the 22nd NC State Troops on June 1, 1861 as a Private. He quickly became a leader and was elected...
Sep 17, 2018 | Confederate affiliation, Rowan
AUTHOR: Unknown John F. Agner was born 1833 and was the son of Isaac and Christiana Agner from Rowan County, NC. He was promoted to Full Sergeant on 01 Sep 1862. He was promoted to Full Private on 01 Nov 1862. He enlisted in Company B, North Carolina 46th Infantry...
Sep 17, 2018 | Confederate affiliation, Orange, Rockingham
AUTHOR: Unknown Labern Isley was born 1828 in Orange County, NC and moved with his family to Rockingham County. He was the son of William and Sally Isley. He was married to Frances Godsey on 25 September 1851. He was a private in the 45th North Carolina Regiment...
Sep 17, 2018 | Confederate affiliation, Robeson
AUTHOR: Tim A. Sellers, Lumberton, NC [Editor’s Note: This is an expanded version of “Death Reached Far Beyond the Battlefield,” by Billy Sellers.] Neill Stephen Kinlaw, my great-great-grandfather on my mother’s side, was 38 when he was captured at...
Sep 17, 2018 | Confederate affiliation, Orange, Wake
AUTHOR: Unknown William Councilman was 1837 in Orange County. He married Lydia Coble on 6 August 1859. He was a private in the 8th North Carolina Regiment, Company I. He enlisted on 5 July 1861 in Alamance County, NC. He was present and accounted for throughout the...
Sep 17, 2018 | Confederate affiliation, Rowan
AUTHOR: Unknown William J. Hill was born 1817 in Rowan County, NC. He was the son of Henry and Jane Hill. He was married three times: Milly Pool (1841), Avelina Black (1847), and Rachel Shepherd (17 July 1851). He was the father of 10 children, 6 boys and 4...