Jun 20, 2023 | Confederate affiliation, Sampson
Submitted by Sandra White Hinton: Letter Transcribed by Sandra White Hinton and Cheri Todd Molter; Content notes written by Cheri Todd Molter Original Transcription Northern Virginia Oct. 13, 1862 M. White Bro. it has been some time since I wrote to you, or heard from...
Jun 9, 2023 | Confederate affiliation, Sampson
Submitted by Sandra White Hinton: Letter Transcribed by Cheri Todd Molter & Sandra White Hinton; Edited by Cheri Todd Molter Original Transcription: Near Brandy Station So. side Rappahannock Riv[er] Oct. 22nd, 1863. Murdock White. Dear Bro, I Reckon you think...
May 12, 2023 | Confederate affiliation, Sampson
Submitted by Sandra White Hinton: Letter Transcribed by Sandra White Hinton & Cheri Todd Molter; Edited by Cheri Todd Molter A.N.V. Co. ‘A’ 30th NC Troops February the 10th 1864 Murdock: Dear brother: I am very happy indeed to be able to write you on the...
Apr 3, 2023 | Confederate affiliation, Sampson
Submitted by Sandra White Hinton: Letter Transcribed by Sandra White Hinton and Cheri Todd Molter Original Transcription: Pocotaligo Pocotaligo So. Ca. March 20th 1863 James White Jr. Dear Bro, I Recd. your...
Dec 6, 2022 | Antebellum era, Confederate affiliation, Cumberland
Submitted by Demetrius Haddock; Transcribed by Cheri Todd Molter The letter pictured was written by Mrs. Josephine Bryan Worth, who, according to her obituary (Josephine_Bryan_Worth_s_Obituary_1917), was the daughter of Josiah and Sarah Hodges Bryan of Fayetteville,...
Dec 5, 2022 | Confederate affiliation, Stanly
According to an article written by Elizabeth Cook in 2011, Emma Green[e] of East Spencer had shared a letter that was written in March 1865 by a Stanly County man named Joseph Huneycutt, who was anticipating his execution for desertion with the Salisbury Post. In that...