Feb 10, 2020 | Cumberland, Union affiliation
SUBMITTED BY: Dr. Algeania W. Freeman (researched and written by Cheri Todd Molter) The Woodard story is also told in “Black River” (a historical fiction novella written by Algeania W. Freeman, PhD). Much of this story is based on the oral history passed down through...
Feb 10, 2020 | Confederate affiliation, Wilkes
SUBMITTED BY: Glenn Land (edited and vetted by Cheri Todd Molter) (click photo to enlarge) A family connected to my ancestors in Wilkes County, N.C., by marriage, was that of William Proffit (Proffitt, Prophet) and Mary Walsh Proffit. Their daughter, Rhoda, was...
Feb 10, 2020 | Confederate affiliation, Mecklenburg, Union affiliation
AUTHOR: JC Knowles (edited by Cheri Todd Molter; vetted by Daniel Whiting and Cheri Todd Molter) In 1873, a sixteen-year-old lad entered Davidson College, a Presbyterian liberal arts college in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. At Davidson he was known as Thomas...
Jan 24, 2020 | Confederate affiliation, Jackson
SUBMITTED BY: Elizabeth Lackey Brock (edited and vetted by Cheri Todd Molter) John B. Queen was my 2x great uncle. He was the son of James H. & Isabel Bryson Queen of Jackson County, North Carolina. John was born in 1836 and was twenty-five years old when he...
Jan 24, 2020 | Hertford, Union affiliation
SUBMITTED BY: Carroll White (edited and vetted by Cheri Todd Molter) My 2x great grandfather, Robert H. Jordan, was born in Hertford County, North Carolina. His parents, Robert and Lavenia Jordan, died young, and he moved to Tennessee afterward. When he arrived in...