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Submitted by Lisa Y. Henderson; Transcribed by Cheri Todd Molter

Transcription of Original Letter:

Wilson July the 16th 1865

Dear Sir

I take the opportunity of writeing you these few lines because I under stand you to be the head ruler ov[e]r this Steate in Millitary act. And this I write to you secretly in feare of my life. For in the present condision we can not helpe our Selves: Because this people has every advantege of us and they are makeing use of it. The free men are under very good beheaviour here; And yet they cant see any peace at all. The rebes is about take the Town because we cant helpe our Selves Because we are without any thing to protect us. For they sent the Cunstable around to every free mans houses and taken all the wepons they said by General Schorfield they were com manded to do it: And thuse we gave them up because we thought it was demanded of us by him. And not with Standing I thought at the Same time in a certain [illegible] that he was giveing them a Stick not only to breake my head But also his even the heads of all the Northren People whom I love as my Self: Yea I say more then love them. Therefore I look to them for protection. Why am I keept from my libberties Because you have never known the cruilties of these People: Who says they are union men when they are not. For I am acquainted with bot[h] Heavenly an National union and it is as much imposible to mix union and secess as it is to mix Oil an Water. Ive been watching them for twenty-eight months: And there is but three union principles about the place and that is Wilie Daniel an Lawyer Langston — T.C. Christmond: These are all that I can look opond as Such. And if these officers be Union men Why do they keep all your ordinances conceiled frome us And try so harde to place a Yoke of thiere own opond us when this is not your Milit[a]ry rules. They receives your comman[d]s and make thiere own laws: Taken down the free men an striping them without liefe or licens: Carr[y]ing them to Jail and Whip[p]ing them [illegible] The Cunsable Thom Hadly a few days a go or rather at night took a man at his work And carid him to his house and striped him with out Law: And this thing are going continuly in the Country Wm Batts stroped two this We[e]k and gave them a bige [dink ?] I surpose not to say anything about it: Johnathan Bullock discharging two loads after a yonge man to make him go home to his Master to work. The Cunstable are ruled more by the rebs then he is by the officers as they so call in nam. But not in principle. They say that [they] have every thing in thiere hands to do as they please: And a Negro shall not be equill with him: Before he shall, they will kill him: And this they have stated to do. We have to pay taxes and yet we have no priverledge. We dar[e] to walk almost after night without being put in Jail: And the rebs going where he pleases. And they have gon[e] so far that we are almost afraide to stay in the house after night: Last friday night the town was in a larm with the cry of a free [illegible] Men who disguised them Selves And wente to the house wher[e] he staid and routed him. And as he jumped out the window, a pistole was fired on him: And by the time he tuched the grown one struck him with a gun: And by that time there [were] four on him: Choping with sabers an[d] beating on him with greate stick: And hollowing murder an[d] helpe: an[d] nor man could go to him. Willie Dannel atempted to go to him And they threatened his life, for they had sentenals out to keepe others off. Ben Lanston and the Cunstaple: Sid Clark Van Winman and Rube Winman. And they have almost ruin him. And it never will be no better untill you send men here and put this place to rights. And this is what has never been done: For the men that was sent here worked every thing to our disadvantage and I’m [in] the faviour of these People: I writ you these things secretly: Please send to our releife for we are here in this place: And I will more then thank you.  Yours, A. F. Flood




Wilson July the 16th 1865

Dear Sir

I take the opportunity of writing you these few lines because I understand you to be the head ruler ov[e]r this State in Military act. And this I write to you secretly in fear of my life. For in the present condition, we cannot help ourselves because these people have every advantage of us, and they are making use of it. The free men are under very good behavior here, and yet they can’t see any peace at all. The rebels are about to take the town because we can’t help ourselves because we are without anything to protect us. For they sent the Constable around to every free man’s house and took all the weapons, and they said [it was] by General Schorfield [that] they were commanded to do it. And thus, we gave them up because we thought it was demanded of us by him. And notwithstanding, I thought at the same time in a certain [illegible] that he was giving them a stick not only to break my head but also his, and even the heads of all the Northern People whom I love as myself: Yea, I say more than love them. Therefore, I look to them for protection. Why am I kept from my liberties because you have never known the cruelties of these People who say they are Union men when they are not? For I am acquainted with bot[h] Heavenly and National union, and it is as much impossible to mix union and secess (secesh) as it is to mix Oil and Water. I’ve been watching them for twenty-eight months, and there is but three union principles about the place and that is Wilie Daniel an Lawyer Langston — T.C. Christmond: These are all that I can look upon as such. And if these officers be Union men, why do they keep all your ordinances concealed from us and try so hard to place a Yoke of their own upon us when this is not your Milit[a]ry rules? They receive your comman[d]s and make their own laws, taking down the free men and stripping them without life or license, Carr[y]ing them to Jail and Whip[p]ing them [illegible]

The Constable, Thom Hadly, a few days ago, or rather at night, took a man at his work and carried him to his house and stripped him without Law: And these things are going [on] continually in the Country. Wm Batts stroped two this We[e]k and gave them a big drink I suppose [to] not to say anything about it: Johnathan Bullock discharg[ed] two loads after a young man to make him go home to his Master to work. The Constable is ruled more by the rebs than he is by the officers, as they so call in name but not in principle. They say that [they] have everything in their hands to do as they please, and a Negro shall not be equal with him: Before he shall, they will kill him: And this they have stated to do. We have to pay taxes and yet we have no privilege. We dar[e] to walk almost after night without being put in Jail: And the rebs going where he pleases. And they have gon[e] so far that we are almost afraid to stay in the house after night: Last Friday night the town was in alarm with the cry of a free [illegible] Men who disguised themselves And went to the house wher[e] he staid and routed him. And as he jumped out the window, a pistol was fired on him: And by the time he touched the ground, one struck him with a gun. And by that time there [were] four on him, chopping with sabers an[d] beating on him with great stick. [He was] hollering “murder” an[d] “help,” [but] no man could go to him. Willie Dannel attempted to go to him, and they threatened his life: for they had sentinels out to keep others off. Ben Lanston, and the Constable, Sid Clark Van Winman, and Rube Winman. And they have almost ruined him. And it never will be no better until you send men here and put this place to rights. And this is what has never been done: For the men that was sent here worked everything to our disadvantage, and I’m [in] the favor of these People: I write you these things secretly: Please send to our relief, for we are here in this place: And I will more than thank you.  Yours, A. F. Flood

Another transcription of A. F. Flood’s letter, plus annotations, and references, are available online. Click here:  LINK

(Lisa Henderson is solely responsible for all posts to Black Wide-Awake, http://afamwilsonnc.com.)