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Wilkes County native fought, then made it home

by | Jan 22, 2016 | Burke, Confederate affiliation

My paternal great-grandmother, Eliza Jane Lail, had a brother named Liler Monroe Lail. Monroe was born about 1843 in Wilkes County, North Carolina to Cynthia and Daniel Lail. At age 18, Monroe was working as a farmer in Burke County when he decided to enlist as a private in the Confederate States Army. Monroe joined Company K, 5th N.C. Infantry Regiment on October 5, 1864. We do need to note, however, that Co. K was composed mostly of men from Rowan County. The 5th Regiment was originally organized at Halifax in July of 1861. It surrendered with the Army of Northern Virginia on April 9, 1865. On April 12, 1865, 81 members of the 5th Regiment North Carolina State Troops were paroled. Monroe came home. He died on Jan, 9, 1880 in Burke County.

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