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Wartime Letter Raises Question

by | Apr 12, 2015 | Alleghany, Confederate affiliation

My family left North Carolina for Alberta, Canada, in 1904, so little is known about my great-great-grandfather William Cheek’s Confederate service. Born in Ashe County Apr. 14, 1844, he enlisted in Co. I, 61st North Carolina Infantry in Alleghany County in 1862. He reportedly was captured at Petersburg, Va. in July of 1862, but the letter below is dated May 27, 1864. Could he have been part of a prisoner exchange and rejoined the war? He survived the war but died Dec. 19, 1873, at age 29. Peters Burg VA. May the 27/64 Gilly Cheek Lucinda Cheek I thy morning seat myself to drop you a few lines. Which Will inform you that I am, Well as usual trewly hoping these few lines may reach you in dew time and find you all well an doing as well as the nature of the case will admit. I can inform you that I, recieved your kind letter bearing date of May thee 6. I was glad to hear that you was well. as for news I havent any to Write now more then I rote sometime past. I have got back to peters Burg. I got here yesterday I, am gaurding the Baggage. I dont know when I shal go to the Co. they are talking about moving the Baggage over there to day and if they do, I shal go to day or to-mmorow. I havent heard from the Co. since I rote. there is many of the boys wounded among them. Richard is wounded on the leg slightly. I dont know Whether he was hurt Bad enough to go to the Hospital or not if he has gone to the hospital he is gone to richmond. they are furlowing all the wounded that is able to go home that was wounded bad So I will say something in relation to your affairs at home. in the first place we want you to keep the property to gether if possible. you rote to us to know what we’d druther you would done about it. If you can get your Business fixed Without having a sail, of course it Would be the Best.

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