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AUTHOR:  Unknown

The fourth of five sons of Ephraim and Elizabeth Blackwell Frazier of Sassafras Fork, Granville County, North Carolina.

Thomas B. Frazier enlisted in Company I, North Carolina 23rd Infantry Regiment at age 27 on July 8, 1862 or for the war. He volunteered for the same unit in which his youngest brother, James Spence Frazier, was serving. Thomas B. Frazier was present or accounted for until wounded in the thigh at Gettysburg Pennsylvania, July 1, 1863.  Returned to duty prior to March 1, 1864.  Present or accounted for until his right arm was “shot off” at Spotsylvania Court House, Virginia, May 9, 1864.

When Thomas Frazier returned home, he was so “poor looking” (thin), had grown a very long beard and his family did not know him.  He was also infested with lice.  His wife Jane Ann took him out to the wash house and saw to a bath and boiled his old clothes and supplied him with the cleaned clothes so as not to spread lice to the family. He died at home on 7 March 1903 and is buried at Mt Creek Baptist Church, Oxford, North Carolina.