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If you or your family members have any North Carolina-related stories from the Civil War and Reconstruction period, we want them! Please submit them by clicking on the red “Share Your Story” button below. This is a center for all North Carolinians, and we want our content to reflect that. We can’t do it without your help. If you would like for your story to be included, even if you have some details but not everything, let us know that. We might be able to help fill in the blanks.

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A Letter to Jefferson Davis from George C. Beasley, April 21, 1862

A Letter to Jefferson Davis from George C. Beasley, April 21, 1862

Transcribed by Cheri Todd Molter    Original Transcription: Camp of            Starr’s Light Battery                                                    Greenville NC                                                     Apr 21st 1862 Hon J. Davis Pres C.S. I see by a...

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The Story of George C. Beasley

The Story of George C. Beasley

Submitted by Matthew Howell; Vetted by Cheri Todd Molter and Kobe M. Brown; Edited by Cheri Todd Molter In Fayetteville, known as Cross Creek until 1778, there are many old cemeteries.[1]  The oldest is the first Cross Creek Cemetery, which was established in 1785.[2]...

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“[T]hat was the time when it was enough to make one think of home and all that we had left behind us. it was perfectfuly [sic] frightful to hear the shells come crashing through the woods and pass over our heads”: Transcriptions of a Letter written by Thomas Barnaby

“[T]hat was the time when it was enough to make one think of home and all that we had left behind us. it was perfectfuly [sic] frightful to hear the shells come crashing through the woods and pass over our heads”: Transcriptions of a Letter written by Thomas Barnaby

Submission written and letter transcribed by Cheri Todd Molter On August 29, 1862, Thomas J. Barnaby, a 23-year-old Clerk, enlisted in the Union Army at Dorchester, MA. He served in Company G of the MA 44th Infantry. The following are transcriptions of a letter he...

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