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Still Plenty of Time To Die

by | Mar 23, 2015 | Brunswick, Confederate affiliation

Henry Hickman, who lived in the Calabash area in Brunswick County, enlisted in the Confederate army on February 19, 1862, five days after the fall of New Bern. The news of the attacks along the Outer Banks was thought to be the impetus for a large number of enlistments at this time, and included his brother, Thomas. Henry served in Company K, 36th North Carolina troops. The battery was located in the mound at Fort Fisher, but Company K’s cannon was dismounted by enemy fire. The battery nevertheless continued to fight, using small arms, and fought for several hours after the official surrender — until 10 o’clock that evening. Henry was wounded in his arm by a Minie ball. The arm was amputated, but Henry developed blood poisoning, and died on February 7. According to Confederate records, Henry is buried at Point Lookout, but the cemetery records do not include his name.

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