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Soldier Survived War and Smallpox

by | Mar 23, 2015 | Brunswick, Confederate affiliation

Solomon R. Ward, a private in the Confederate army, was sent to the Elmira prison camp in New York after the fall of Fort Fisher. He was exchanged on the James River in Virginia on March 14, 1865. Solomon was admitted to the USA Hospital Bermuda Hundred on March 21, 1865, with smallpox. Upon returning to Brunswick County, he married Emmaline, the widow of his best friend from the war, and moved into her home. When Emmaline’s son from her first marriage came of age, he was given the old home, and Solomon built a new residence. That residence burned down, but the old one was recently discovered, in bad repair, in Delco. Solomon and Emmaline are buried in a cow pasture on a large farm in Delco.

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