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Submitted by Marvin T. Jones; vetted by Cheri Todd Molter

(Reprinted from the Fall 2011 newsletter of the Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society, Inc.)

“Seventeen members of the U.S. Colored Troops (USCT) in my family, our own stores, a fairground and our own airstrips–that is what fascinated Alice Harris enough about my community to practically take me in hand to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in Washington, D.C. Alice is the President of the AAHGS-Central Maryland Chapter. The Winton Triangle of Hertford County, where I grew up, is located in rural northeastern North Carolina and is a 260-year-old landowning community of color. Our recorded history pre-dates the Lost Colony and Jamestown, and I’m on the quest to produce many works about our 427-year-old history.

Read the rest at this link: FamilyOfSoldiers_Article Marvin Jones

Marvin T. Jones is the Executive Director of the Chowan Discovery Group (CDG) (http://www.chowandiscovery.org). The mission of the CDG is to research, document, preserve and present the 400+ year-old history of the landowning tri-racial people of color of the Winton Triangle, an area centered in Hertford County, North Carolina. Jones has written and produced a stage production, The Winton Triangle. The book, Carolina Genesis: Beyond the Color Line, features Jones’ summary of the Triangle history. Jones began this project a decade ago by scanning the photograph collection of relatives and neighbors. The Winton Triangle digital collection now has over 6,000 files of photographs, documents, maps, audio and video recordings.”