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SUBMITTED BY:  Jan King (edited and vetted by Cheri Todd Molter)

I copied these documents from a McAdams file found in the Ray County Genealogy Library in Richmond, Missouri. These files were just in a manilla folder in the Genealogy Library. There is a note on page 15 stating, “Ray Co. Chapters Articles from ‘Richmond Missourian Vol 12 1931.’” I needed the information about Miss Roney to prove which man named William McAdams I belonged to, and these letters provided that information.

There are 3 records in the pdf at this link (click here): Relating how the McAdams Roneys and Rippys are Blood Kin to the Dukes

  • a letter written by L. D. Rippy of Alamance County to Rev. Joseph “Mack” McAdams,
  • a letter from Mrs. L. D. Rippy to Mr. Jewell Mayes, and
  • a published sketch about his family’s journey from North Carolina to Missouri written by Rev. Joseph McAdams.

They are interesting documents. The Rev. “Mack” McAdams, son of James McAdams and nephew of Robert McAdams, was well known and very well liked in Ray County. He was a Baptist minister.