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SUBMITTED BY:  JC Knowles (edited by Cheri Todd Molter, vetted by Hallie Smith)

The first state hospital was established at the old State Fairgrounds off of New Bern Avenue and was headed by Raleigh surgeon E. Burke Haywood. It was called the Fairground Hospital until it was officially taken over by the Confederate government in August of 1862. On August 1, 1862, the hospital was renamed Confederate States Hospital at the Fairgrounds and was later called General Hospital #7.

In June of 1862, the second Confederate State Hospital opened with the name General Hospital #8. The unfinished main building for the anticipated Peace Institute served as the brick and mortar for this hospital.

The third hospital was the Pettigrew Hospital, or Hospital #13, which opened in 1864. This hospital was located on the southwest corner of New Bern Avenue and Tarboro Road in Raleigh.