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Submitted by Louis Stewart; Vetted and edited by Cheri Todd Molter

These letters were written by my Great-Great-Grandfather, Jacob Laban Hartsoe, who served in the Catawba Braves, Company K of the 46th Infantry, NC. Jacob was born on July 29, 1833 and was a native of Catawba County, North Carolina. He was a blacksmith by trade. In 1859, Jacob married to Perceda Lavinia Wike, and the couple had two daughters, Laura Ann and Amanda Elizabeth Hartsoe.

When Jacob was twenty-nine years old, in March 1862, he enlisted in the Confederate army at Catawba County and served in Company K of the 46th Regiment, North Carolina Troops. He was reported as “absent sick” for most of the period from July 1862 through April 1863; however, he returned to duty prior to July 1, 1863. Afterward, Jacob was present or accounted for until he was killed at Wilderness, Virginia, on May 5, 1864 [NC TROOPS-A ROSTER 1861-1865, Vol. 11:232]. His youngest daughter, Amanda, was born on Nov. 22, 1863 and was six months old when her father died.

His letters can be found at this link:  Hartsoe letters