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AUTHOR:  Steve Bailey (vetted and edited by Cheri Todd Molter)

An Excerpt from the Thursday, July 10, 1862 issue of the N.C. ARGUS (Wadesborough [sic], Anson County, N.C.):

“List—Of killed and wounded in Co. C, 14th Regiment, as far as known: Killed – Daniel McKAY, Frank McLENDON; mortally wounded, Jesse SIBLEY – since dead. Seriously [wounded] – Thos. D. SIMONS, left side; Wm. C. THREADGILL, leg and thigh, both flesh wounds; Wm. A. SMITH, below the knee – think bone not hurt; W. H. MORTON, arm shattered, taken prisoner – arm amputated by Yankee surgeon. Retaken by our boys. Slightly wounded – Lt. Wm. G. MEACHUM, Wm. H. SANDERS, Martin McKAY, Jno. DUMAS, Jno. BROWER, George D. MORTON

-Casualties in Pee Dee Wildcats: Killed – Geo. BOWMAN; S. F. GATHINGS, slightly wounded in the breast; J. P. WINFIELD, in arm, severely; H. WILLOUGHBY, in head, severely; Corporal W. H. DABBS, in arm, severely; P. W. McGUGAN, arm, severely; J. T. HENLY, bruised in the side by a limb cut from a tree by a shell; E. HILDRETH is missing, but is thought will come up yet….

Another death among the members of the Anson Guard. It is that of H. B. HAILY (Hailey ?), who died in the Medical College Hospital, Richmond, on the afternoon of the 23rd inst., of typhoid fever…”