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AUTHOR:  Dan Johnson

Genealogical research often reveals some interesting, even contradictory characters and such is the case with “Granny Beck” Aiken. Nothing is known about her childhood or youth. Although the census taker for Jackson co. in 1880 declared that Rebecca was born in NC (NOTE: according to the 1900 census–she was born in May of 1831–and most probably in Transylvania co., NC) her parents were born in SC.1 Family tradition says that she was born a Hoxit (or Hogshead: both forms being used interchangeably at the beginning of the 19th century). Linda Raxter, a historian of Jackson co. theorizes that Rebecca was born to a Cherokee mother and a white (or mixed) father. Jack Hoxit, likely Rebecca’s brother, is thought to have been married to a Cherokee himself, with some interesting stories surrounding his involvement and suffering during the Indian removal of 1838.2

Rebecca’s first documented appearance is in the 1850 census of Henderson Co., NC. She is listed as ‘Rebecca Galloway’ and enumerated with Thomas Aikin and 2 year old Lewis P. Aikin.3 Was Lewis Thomas’ son? Or was he fathered by a Galloway?


Read the rest of this story at this link:  https://nccivilwarcenter.org/wp-content/uploads/cfdb7_uploads/1535837304-GrannyBeckAiken.COURIER-NEWpub.pdf