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Submitted by Vicki Boatwright; Edited and vetted by Kobe M. Brown and Cheri Todd Molter

Oral Tradition

My great-great-grandmother was Missouri Francis Angel, who was born on September 24, 1844, in Stokes County, North Carolina. Missouri had 3 sisters: Julia, born 1842; Jennie [Mary Jane], born 1845; Sarah, born 1846.

Like other families in the area, they had to carry water from the creeks for drinking, cooking, and other regular daily chores. When the Yankee soldiers were in the area, my great-great-grandma Missouri and her sisters avoided going to the water as much as possible because they were afraid of the soldiers at the creek. She went on to marry Jessie Woodrow Duncan, born 1851 in Stokes County, North Carolina. Missouri Francis Angel passed away in 1915 at the age of seventy-one in Stokes County.


Editor’s note:

According to census records, Missouri had at least five siblings: Julia, born 1842; Charles Wirt, born 1844; Mary Jane, born 1845; Sarah, born 1846; and Thomas T., born 1850. Missouri Francis Angel also had half siblings: Martha Angel Young (1858), Gillie Anne Angel Young (1859), William C. Angel (1860), John S. Angel (1864), Julina Angel (1857), and John S. Angel (1864).