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AUTHOR:  Marvin Peguese

My 3rd great-grandfather, Daniel Huff, served in the Civil War under an alias—Daniel Nazareth—after joining Union General William T. Sherman on his destructive, victorious march through the south.

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I noticed pension application references to Daniel’s wife, Louisa, years ago, but just focused on researching them after someone reached out to me about Daniel’s son (and my 2nd great-grandmother’s brother) Winder. Both names, “Daniel Nazareth (alias)” and Daniel Huff, are written on the pension application record, along with his wife’s name.

Daniel started traveling with the Union troops in Georgia, probably walking off a liberated plantation, and ended up in North Carolina where he and over 1,000 fellow freedmen from other southern states formally enlisted in the Union Army.

The freedmen’s unit was called the 135th U.S. Colored Troops. Daniel might have fought or supported battles along the way from Georgia, but he probably worked on construction projects in North Carolina.