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William Turner Faircloth

SUBMITTED BY:  JC Knowles; vetted and edited by Cheri Todd Molter WILLIAM TURNER FAIRCLOTH was born on January 8, 1829 in Edgecombe County, North Carolina. Faircloth graduated at the top of his class at Wake Forest College in 1854. He studied law under Richmond...

William Gaston Lewis: He Made a Difference

Written by JC Knowles; edited by Cheri Todd Molter It is said that Lewis was the last Confederate officer wounded during the Civil War and that he laid on the battlefield as dead. However, some soldiers saw him and took him to safety. He survived the war. William...

My Civil War Ancestors

AUTHOR: Wanda Morrison Tillotson; Edited and vetted by Cheri Todd Molter Basically, this is my story: I grew up just down the road alongside all my maternal relatives. Several ancestors in my Jackson line, including my 3rd-Great-Grandfather, Lewis/Louis Jackson, and...