Oct 14, 2024 | Antebellum era, Emancipation, This Month's Featured Story, Washington
Submitted by Somerset Place State Historic Site; edited by Cheri Todd Molter In 1859, Josiah Collins III wrote a letter to Harriet Jacobs, a formerly enslaved woman who had escaped bondage in Edenton by hiding in her grandmother’s crawlspace for seven years. Harriet...
Mar 8, 2024 | Antebellum era, Emancipation, Reconstruction, Washington
Edited by Cheri Todd Molter and Kobe M. Brown The following information was derived from the NC Historical Site marker entitled “Freedom Seekers of Somerset Place: Rebecca Hathaway Drew” at Washington County: During the antebellum years, many enslaved people in North...
May 12, 2021 | Confederate affiliation, Washington
SUBMITTED BY: Robin Oldham (edited and vetted by Cheri Todd Molter) This is a picture of Dr. Edward Buncombe Haughton of Washington County. (Click image to enlarge.) He never married and was a surgeon during the Civil War. My cousin is an auctioneer, and once when I...
Feb 18, 2019 | Union affiliation, Washington
SUBMITTED BY: Fredric William Booth Introduction: These letters written by Joseph Goldinger, a private in Company E of the 103rd Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, while he was stationed in North Carolina. Joseph was about twenty years old when he enlisted, for...
Dec 14, 2018 | Confederate affiliation, Union affiliation, Washington
AUTHOR: Robert Jones This is a crude wooden mallet and tent stake, still having a piece of the original rope. It was left behind by Confederate forces when moving between Washington, NC and Plymouth, NC. It was picked up and put in an antebellum barn, where it...
Sep 7, 2018 | Chowan, Union affiliation, Washington
SUBMITTED BY: Francis Howcutt From the website “Howcutt and Howcott Family History,” copyright 2018. Miles Howcott was a soldier and farmer. He is an ancestor of a large proportion of the present-day Howcotts in America. Miles and his son William Henry...