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A Letter to Jefferson Davis from George C. Beasley, April 21, 1862

A Letter to Jefferson Davis from George C. Beasley, April 21, 1862

Transcribed by Cheri Todd Molter    Original Transcription: Camp of            Starr’s Light Battery                                                    Greenville NC                                                     Apr 21st 1862 Hon J. Davis Pres C.S. I see by a...

$100 Reward for the Return of Jerry

SUBMITTED BY:  Lisa Y. Henderson (edited by Cheri Todd Molter) On February 28, 1863, Edmund Moore of Wilson advertised in the Tarborough Southerner for the return of Jerry, a thirty-year-old man who was formerly enslaved by Howell G. Whitehead of eastern Pitt County,...

The Confederate Canteen

SUBMITTED BY:  Anne Russell (written by Cheri Todd Molter; transcriptions of a Photograph’s Contents by Caitlyn Keplinger and Cheri Todd Molter) One of the attached photographs depicts an artistic portrait of the canteen that belonged to Edward Wooten/Wootten during...

Civil War Story of Rutha and Skilton Dennis

SUBMITTED BY: Robert Barwick Pitt County Genealogical Quarterly PCGQ February 9, 2001 “Recites Heroic Incidents of the Civil War Days Daily Reflector, Jan. 4, 1941 An incident of the Civil war in which a Pitt county woman played the part of a heroine in an...