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Hard times on the home front

Hard times on the home front Monroe is in the Hospital somewhere sick. Our 1st Lieut. is now Capt. and myself 1st Lieut. J.D. Currie 2nd Lieut. and Toler holds 2nd Lieut.’s place though he is not with us. He is at home, has hemorage (sic) of the lungs. Bill...

Help tell it like it is, and was

Help tell it like it is, and was Laws, Ian Fleming’s villainous Goldfinger scoffed to James Bond, are merely “the crystallized prejudices of the community.” That’s harsh, and not entirely accurate. But it makes the useful point that our code of...

Missing some of your history? Check this

Missing some of your history? Check this Have you hit a dead end in trying to piece together your ancestors’ stories? Has an old cemetery gone missing? Can’t find the will, birth or death certificate, or tax record you want? You could be looking in the wrong...

When assets suddenly became liabilities

When assets suddenly became liabilities Not quite two years after the Civil War ended, John C. Smith of Cumberland County found himself in the same predicament as other planters suddenly confronted by the prospect of having to pay the help. The land that had made his...

Tar Heel war stories need a binder

Tar Heel war stories need a binder Some call the endless fascination with the Civil War puzzling — silly, even. They should rethink that. There are no reliable figures for those who were wounded or maimed, or those whose health was wrecked. No one can quantify...

Confederates stalking Confederates

Confederates stalking Confederates A good shake of the family tree often brings down a hail of Civil War soldiers, each good for at least one war story pieced together from unit records or one personal anecdote preserved in a letter or diary entry. But what did it...

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