

Opening in 2027! Read our Latest News

Groundbreaking Ceremony Speeches

Our Speakers From The North Carolina Civil War & Reconstruction History Center Groundbreaking Ceremony in Fayetteville, NC on April 18, 2018. Chancellor James A. Anderson The Honorable Patricia Timmons Goodson Senator Tony Rand Commissioner Michael C. Boose Mayor...

Making history, one march at a time

Making history, one march at a time Louis Leon is not, like many famous generals of the Civil War, a household name. That’s because he wasn’t one of them. In fact, it was the profusion of officers’ memoirs that moved this Carolina infantryman, late in life, to publish...

Update on the History Center’s 2017 Progress

Update on the History Center’s 2017 Progress If things have seemed quiet at the History Center, there’s been a reason: We’ve been busy! Since we wrote you last year, we’ve raised more than $20 million in new, firm commitments including $7.5...

Uniting a divided history

Uniting a divided history (written by Philip Gerard, published in the Wilmington Star News, 9/10/17) N.C. Civil War center will help better tell a complex story that continues to shape us today From the robust public discussion about North Carolina’s legacy of Civil...

Where did all the treason trials go?

Where did all the treason trials go? Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to...

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