Sep 6, 2019 | Antebellum era, Franklin, Reconstruction
Submitted by Sherry Jackson; edited by Cheri Todd Molter Based on Oral History My father, James Powell, was a little boy when his grandmother told him the stories, but he remembers bits and pieces. This is what he recalls: His grandmother, Amanda B. Powell, was born...
Sep 13, 2018 | Confederate affiliation, Franklin
SUBMITTED BY: Ginny Kellum Original post about the Young family Kellum – Letter 1 Kellum – Letter 2 Kellum – Letter from Thomas Jefferson Young to his father John Young
Dec 17, 2015 | Franklin, Union affiliation
Written by Al Peoples; edited by Cheri Todd Molter Based on a Family’s Oral Tradition Union General William T. Sherman met with Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston on April 26, 1865 at Bennett Place near what is now Durham, N.C., and Johnston surrendered his...
Nov 7, 2014 | Confederate affiliation, Franklin
Three Young Brothers of Franklin County John Young, Jr (for whom Youngsville, N.C. was named) had three sons who served in the Civil War. Thomas Jefferson Young enlisted on Sept. 5, 1862 in Wayne County (his residence was Wake County) as a Private, age 20. He served...