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The Padgett Brothers: Only One Came Home

Submitted by Willis P. Whichard, Jerry H. Padgett, James L. Padgett, and Obie G. Whichard; Edited and vetted by Cheri Todd Molter In the 1850s, Sidney and Elijah Padgett migrated to Cherokee County from Rutherford County, North Carolina with their parents, John and...

Lieutenant D. A. Black

Lieutenant D. A. Black Lieutenant D.A. Black was one of the “Carolina Boys” of Company K, 38th Regiment of the North Carolina Troops, under the command of Captain M. McR. McLauchlin. On May 3, 1862, Lieutenant D.A. Black wrote to a friend in North Carolina...

One of the Yadkin Boys

One of the Yadkin Boys George Washington Blakely was born in 1838 and, on June 18, 1861, he enlisted in the Confederate Army, serving in the group known as “Yadkin Boys,” Company F, 28th Regiment, NC Troops. He survived the War, but was wounded...