Oct 23, 2018 | Confederate affiliation, Duplin
AUTHOR: Donald Reaves Robert Reaves was my 3rd great uncle, the older brother to my 2nd great-grandfather, David Reaves of the Wolfscrape District of Duplin County. David Reaves served as a 1st Lieutenant in the Duplin County Home Guard. Their youngest brother and my...
Oct 18, 2018 | Confederate affiliation, Union affiliation
AUTHOR: Dr. Phoebe Ann Pollitt, RN (Excerpted from Dr. Pollitt’s book African American Hospitals in North Carolina: 39 Institutional Histories, 1880-1967 [pp. 9-12, McFarland Books, 2017]) Civil War Hospitals in North Carolina At the outbreak of the Civil War,...
Oct 17, 2018 | Antebellum era, Confederate affiliation, Mecklenburg, Reconstruction, Union affiliation
AUTHORS: Phoebe Pollitt and Camille Reese Jane Renwick Smedburg Wilkes: North Carolina Nurse Pioneer Citation: Pollitt, PA & Reese, CN (Spring, 1999). Jane Renwick Smedburg Wilkes: North Carolina Nurse Pioneer. American Association for the History of Nursing...
Oct 17, 2018 | Confederate affiliation, Union affiliation
SUBMITTED BY: Dr. Phoebe Ann Pollitt, RN AUTHORS: Camille Reese and Phoebe Pollitt Here is an article Camille Reese and I wrote that was published in the magazine “Confederate Veteran” in 2002. There is no copyright, and [it] has been online in my...
Oct 17, 2018 | Confederate affiliation, Union affiliation, Yancey
AUTHOR: Cynthia McCurry Putman Oliver and Mary Polly Tucker McCourry (click to enlarge) My second great grandfather was named Oliver McCourry. He was the grandson of Malcolm McCourry, who was in the American Revolution. Oliver was born around 1843 to Malcolm McCourry...
Oct 17, 2018 | Antebellum era, Confederate affiliation, Nash, Reconstruction
Written by Randy Vester; edited and vetted by Cheri Todd Molter I have my Great-Great-Grandfather’s—George Washington Joyner’s—picture (attached). He was the youngest son of Nathan Thomas Joyner and Amy Land Joyner of Nash County, N.C. There were seven boys—Little...