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Tar Heel war stories need a binder

Tar Heel war stories need a binder Some call the endless fascination with the Civil War puzzling — silly, even. They should rethink that. There are no reliable figures for those who were wounded or maimed, or those whose health was wrecked. No one can quantify...

Confederates stalking Confederates

Confederates stalking Confederates A good shake of the family tree often brings down a hail of Civil War soldiers, each good for at least one war story pieced together from unit records or one personal anecdote preserved in a letter or diary entry. But what did it...

The South before the war: an island in time

The South before the war: an island in time The first thing a modern time-traveler would notice, on arrival in the antebellum South, would most likely be the silence. There might be movement among dry leaves, or the snort of a horse. Bird songs, surely, and,...