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Mary Susan McCubbins

AUTHOR:  Teresa Leake (edited and vetted by Cheri Todd Molter) The Civil War was a tragic time in our history, no matter what side you were on: Families were uprooted, children were orphaned, and stability—both family stability and economic stability—was lost. My...

The Laughter Family Legacy of Service

SUBMITTED BY:  Hinson Peed (edited and vetted by Cheri Todd Molter) About 1783, John Langford Laughter was born to John Laughter and Mary Langford Laughter of Warren County. John Laughter was among the first generation of that English family born in the colonies, and...

Noah Wyrick’s Civil War Experience

SUBMITTED BY:  Rick Pardue (edited and vetted by Cheri Todd Molter) The Wyrick family’s name was at first spelled “Wirick.” [Both spellings appear in historical records.] It’s a German name that was changed over time; German engravings are present on some of the...