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Ancestor’s story ends at a POW camp after the war’s close

by | Jan 26, 2016 | Burke, Confederate affiliation

Daniel J. Herman, my great-great-grandfather, married Sarah (Sally) Tritt on Jan. 14, 1830 in Lincoln County, North Carolina. They had three children, one of these being my great-grandfather Levi Herman. Daniel enlisted on May 6, 1864 in Catawba County in Company C, N.C. 28th Infantry Regiment, also known as the “South Fork Farmers.” Daniel never came home. He mustered out deceased on June 15, 1865 at Hart’s Island, New York Harbor. Sadly, I never have been able to locate information on Daniel’s parents, his date or place of birth, or if his body was brought home. For four months in 1865 Hart’s Island was a prisoner-of-war camp in which 3,413 captured Confederate soldiers were housed. Two hundred and thirty-five died in the camp and their remains, along with those of Union soldiers buried there, were moved to Cypress Hills Cemetery, Brooklyn in 1941. Was Daniel one of those moved?

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