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Ancestor literally held the fort

by | Nov 11, 2014 | Confederate affiliation, Harnett

I was a resident of Harnett County during my U.S. Army service at Fort Bragg, NC. I now reside in Florence County, S.C. I am a Civil War reenactor and may be found on Facebook at Frank Slemmer. An interesting note is that the first recorded ancestor, Frank Schlemmer, immigrated from Wurzburg, Germany and enlisted in the Union cavalry (Merrill’s Horse) in Missouri. My family came to Sumter County, S.C., where I was born. My middle name is Frank and my son Frankie is the same as Frank Schlemmer. We both reenact Civil War riding cavalry. Frankie Slemmer incredibly resembles Adam Jacoby Slemmer, who, as war neared, secured and held Fort Barrancas (now Pensacola) for the Union. My son is in Security Forces in the Military and Horse Mounted Patrol on his agenda. Stange, true. Check us out.

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