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SUBMITTED BY:  George L. Moore (transcribed by Cheri Todd Molter)

[To learn Dr. Robert Mijamin Patterson’s full story, read “The War-Time History of my Great-Grandfather, Robert Mijamin Patterson, M.D.”]

Introduction: Born in 1837, Dr. Robert Mijamin Patterson got his medical degree from the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston in 1856. In 1861, he enlisted for a six-month term as a Sergeant in Company H of the 1st Regiment of South Carolina Volunteers. He was mustered out of the 1st SC Infantry on July 9th. On August 28, 1861, Dr. Patterson joined Company I of the S.C. 12th Infantry. His records state that he was an “A. A. Surg,” or Acting Assistant Surgeon; he was also described as a “hospital ward master.” Although the exact date was unknown, at some point Dr. Patterson was discharged from the 12th South Carolina and became a Surgeon in the Field & Staff CS Medical Staff.

Over the next few years, Dr. Patterson’s records reveal that he served in numerous Confederate hospitals. On August 18, 1864, Dr. Patterson was “relieved from duty” at General Hospital No. 8 at Raleigh, N.C., and ordered to report to Fayetteville’s General Hospital No. 6 “without delay” (This Special Order is attached: Its transcription follows). Dr. Patterson was stationed there through October and perhaps November, too. Also attached is a Voucher for Commutation of Quarters, which verifies that Dr. Patterson was stationed at Gen. Hospital No. 6 at Fayetteville, N.C. in October 1864. (Click images below to enlarge.)

Transcription of the original:

Medical Directors Office
[General] Hospitals N.C.
Raleigh Aug. 18th 1864

Special Order}
No 101 }

IV. Paragraph III Special order No 101, from this office, is hereby revoked.

V. Asst. Surgeon R M Patterson is relieved from duty Gen Hosp no “8” Raleigh and will, without delay, report to Surgeon [Benjamin] F. Fessenden in charge Gen Hosp no “6” Fayetteville N.C. for duty in accordance with Paragraph XXVII Special order no 92a & 290 Current Series

Signed [Peter] E Hines Surgeon
Medical Director

Surgeon B F Fessenden
Gen Hospital no “6”

Benjamin F. Fessenden
[Surgeon] in charge General Hospital no 6