Transcribed by Cheri Todd Molter
Original Transcription:
Camp of
Starr’s Light Battery
Greenville NC
Apr 21st 1862
Hon J. Davis
Pres C.S.
I see by a recent act of Congress you have been Empowered to appoint for each state a Commissary for duties mentioned in the act. I by leave to present my claims to your consideration. 1st I have been in the service since May 1861. I left Richmond on the 28th of May /61 for Yorktown. And since that time I have alternately been on duty in the Commissary Department in the command in which I have been placed and in the Company. I have just been on duty with Maj Morrisy before my move to Gen D. H. Hill’s command. It may not be beyond the limits of propriety for me to say here that the experience I have had in the department would render me a great deal of assistance in such a position without which I would be loath to undertake. As to my moral and business capacity – I could give you references. If you like you could consult Capt. S. J. Humphries (if I mistake not) he is on Gen. Barksdale’s staff. I have travelled over a greater portion of this state and feel perfectly safe in asserting that I could do the cause justice. As I share of many portions of the state that has never been visited by a representative from the government. This is the first attempt I have ever made to obtain any position and do truly hope that I may obtain the one I ask for or at least the one subordinate to the state Commissary I was in the 1st Regt that left NC from the seat of war and after going through a campaign of nearly 7 months on the peninsula. I remained with the 5th NC V then at Yorktown and afterward volenteered [sic] in Capt J. B. Starr’s Lt Battery from Fayetteville NC (my residence) Hon Mr. Davis I truly hope that I have given you a statement of my career sufficient to secure your confidence and approbation. And shall await a reply with much amity.
I have the honor Sir
to be your humble &
devout servant
George C. Beasley
Starr’s Lt. Battery
To the Hon Jefferson Davis
See George Beasley’s story at
Transcriber notes:
- “Gen. D. H. Hill” is Gen. Daniel Harvey Hill
- “Gen. Barksdale” is Gen. William Barksdale.