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Submitted by Sherry Winebarger-Reeter; Transcribed by Cheri Todd Molter

This letter was written by my great-great grandfather, Thomas McDaniel:

Original Transcription (exactly as written by McDaniel):

October the 12 1864

deer wife I seat my self to rite you a few lians to let you no that I am well as comon at this time hoping when thes lians coms to hom the my find you all well and doing well I recevd a letter from you yusterday witch give me grat sattisfaction hear from you and to hear that you as all well I hav nothing rit at this time I want you to send me somthing by lutenent parleir if he can fetch it I want som thred and pepper and sage and som butter if you can it will be a grat sattisfaction to me git somthing from you to eat I am tyard out on beef it is so pour that it  ant fit to eat you rot to me that you had not had a letter from me in so long I hav rote sevrel letters to you that you hant got I must close four the want of time I will rite again in short time if I hav the chanc I want to see you all one time mour in this life I want you rit often as you can and let me hear from you tel unkel hugh howdy fore me so no mour at prsent only I remain your tru husban untel deth Thomas Mcdaniel

to louisa Mcdaniel

Transcription with modern spellings and punctuation:

October the 12 1864

Dear wife,

I seat myself to write you a few lines to let you know that I am well as common at this time hoping when these lines come to home, they may find you all well and doing well. I received a letter from you yesterday, which gave me great satisfaction [to] hear from you and to hear that you are all well. I have nothing to write at this time. I want you to send me something by Lieutenant [Jacob] Parleir if he can fetch it: I want some thread and pepper and sage and some butter if you can. It will be a great satisfaction to me to get something from you to eat. I am tired out on beef. It is so poor that it ain’t fit to eat. You wrote to me that you had not had a letter from me in so long. I have written several letters to you that you haven’t got. I must close for the want of time. I will write again in [a] short time if I have the chance. I want to see you all one time more in this life. I want you [to] write often as you can and let me hear from you. Tell Uncle Hugh howdy for me. So no more at present, only I remain your true husband until death, Thomas McDaniel

To Louisa McDaniel

Transcriber’s Notes: According to his military records, Thomas McDaniel served in Co. F of the 52nd Infantry, NC Troops. He died of disease on 3/2/1865 at Danville, Virginia.